Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday's Tile Speaks Up

Quilter's Tile - Isabelle and the Bear
8" x 8"
Sharon V. Rotz

Do your quilts have a story to tell?

Truthfully, every quilt has a story. Most tell them quietly without a word. But some put it out there for everyone to see.

Today, I am talking about actual words written on quilts. In today's quilter's tile, I added a poem by Ogden Nash called Isabelle and the Bear. Starting at the center of the design following the curves and bumps, I wrote the words with a Pigma micron pen.

It was fun, even if a bit confusing at times as I wrote around and around. I do like how it adds a new textural element to this small piece.

Do you have something to say? Would you incorporate a favorite piece of poetry, a sentiment, a journal event, a social issue or a charged political statement?

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