Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Adding Shots of Complexity

Bing! Bang! Pop! Add a shot of complexity to your project.

I love to make sections of my quilts really pop with the use of multiple fabrics instead of just one. This not only add complexity to the work but also adds individuality. Here I have "string pieced" a quilt section by stitching and flipping fabrics to entirely cover the template piece.

I then cut the piece to the correct size adding seam allowances. This section now incorporated the fabrics used throughout the quilt. 

As you can see with the section laid in place, the attention that it draws to that area of the quilt. 

25" x 33"
Sharon V. Rotz

The finished project complete with "shots of complexity" added.


  1. I love your quilt. Thanks for telling us how you did it. I'd like to try it myself.

  2. Thank you. Have fun trying the technique. I stitched to muslin which gave me a firm base that I didn't have to remove.

  3. Love it, Sharon! Your work is continually amazing.


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