Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday's Tile - El Pumpkin

Quilter's Tile - El Pumpkin
8" x 8"
©2012 - Sharon V. Rotz

As of last Tuesday, I had my quilter's tile sandwiched and ready to quilt. All I needed was the right inspiration for the quilting. Looking back at other tiles, I was most attracted to the small feathers I had done on a previous tile called "Songs of Autumn".

This became my quilting inspiration and I enjoyed quilting these small feathers. Again, these are not hard to do. The most important part of this design is a smooth curving line. After that, it is relatively easy to add the small loops for the feathers. Try it yourself and you will see.  In a freeform design such as this, small irregularities are not noticed.

If the design changes as we move along, it only adds more interest to the quilting. 

I couldn't resist some super close-up photos. Isn't this what we all want to do at a quilt show? Really stick our noses in and see how it's done.

 If we could only tilt our heads and position our glasses in just the right place.......

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