Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Here Come the Birds

It is definitely time to add some subject matter to this project, so I sketched two birds to nest in one corner. I will cut the shapes from an interesting batik fabric, add fused details and finally appliqué them onto my quilt.

I find it easy to trace the pattern using my "solar powered, vertical light box".  I can see my drawing through the white fabric and can trace the shapes for the detail of the bird. 

 I can then cut and fuse these small pieces unto my bird.

Since more detail is needed, my last step is to use paint to add additional shading. Now, the birds are ready to trim and appliqué in place. 

(Although in nature, these birds have different coloring, I chose to coordinate them with my quilt. Thus, a new variation of  bird is created. Oh, the power I have!)


  1. What kind of birds are they? Did I miss that? Thanks and they look really cool. Pam Gonzalez

  2. The birds are Plovers, although taken somewhat out of their habitat and given new coloring.


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